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Seattle Polish Foundation is
a Seattle based non-profit organization that promotes Polish heritage in the Pacific Northwest by sponsoring local events involving Polish culture and arts, by taking part in events important to the Polish-American community and by assisting Polish - American organizations in the area. SPF is a public 501(c)(3) charity.

Basic info
What is Seattle Polish Foundation?
What is its mission?

Seattle Polish Foundation (SPF), formerly Polish Home Foundation, is a Seattle based non-profit organization that promotes Polish heritage in the Pacific Northwest by sponsoring local events involving Polish culture and arts, by taking part in events important to the Polish-American community and by assisting Polish-American organizations in the area. The Foundation does not promote any political view or religion.

SPF is affiliated with Polish Home Association but it is a separate institution with the 501(c)(3) tax exemption status. Donations to SPF are tax deductible.

Can I become a member?

Yes! We need supporters of all kinds and we welcome members. To become a member please fill in the membership form and send it in.

Can I volunteer?

Yes! We have a lot of volunteering opportunities as SPF is run entirely by volunteers and does not have any paid staff. Please see the Volunteers page.

How can I donate to SPF? Donations

To donate to the Foundation:

  • Make donations through its PayPal account here.
  • write a check to Seattle Polish Foundation and send it in. To indicate your preferences, you can attach the donation form or simply write a comment on your check. In any case, don't forget to attach a gift matching form from your employer, if applicable.
  • or contact any of the officers with a non-monetary contribution or if you have any questions
How does SPF manage the donations?

The Foundation maintains the following funds for better managment of donations and expenditures:

  • General (unrestricted) fund
    This fund gathers money from unrestricted donations; that is when donors don't indicate preferences for any specific fund below.
  • Polish Festival fund
    This fund gathers money in support of the Polish Festival at the Seattle Center.
  • Cultural events fund
    This fund gathers money in support of cultural events promoting Polish culture and heritage.
  • Educational fund
    This fund gathers money in support of educational issues related to Polish culture and language.
  • Medical and emergency fund
    This fund gathers money for emergency support within our community.
  • Polish Home improvement fund
    This fund gathers money offered in support for improvements at the Polish Cultural Center Dom Polski (aka Polish Home) in Seattle.
Can I apply for a grant?

Yes, the Foundation awards grants to support events and issues in line with our mission stated above. To apply for a grant please fill and send in the grant application form.

How do I keep in touch?

Please attend meetings of the Foundation members. To be informed about events related to Polish culture in Puget Sound area and in the Pacific Northwest, you can subscribe to a weekly email bulletin at [email protected].

For more information please visit other pages of our Web site or contact
SPF President




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